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Book Review: The Forgotten Dead (OutFoxing the Paranormal #1) by Jordan L. Hawk

Cover art for The Forgotten Dead (OutFoxing the Paranormal #1) by Jordan L. Hawk

The Forgotten Dead (OutFoxing the Paranormal #1) by Jordan L. Hawk

Independently published, 2022

ISBN-13: 979-8430224660

Available: Hardcover, paperback, Kindle edition, audiobook.

Buy: Amazon.com


The Forgotten Dead takes place in an alternate timeline where parapsychologist J.B. Rhine successfully established an Institute of Parapsychology at Duke University.


Dr. Nigel Taylor desperately needs a grant to save his assistant professorship. Patricia Montague offers him the money on the condition that he convince the face of the ghost hunting web series OutFoxing the Paranormal, Oscar Fox, to explore the Matthews house, where a mass killing of the family took place, followed by the killer’s suicide. Nigel, a friend of young Mike Matthews encountered the killer after the murders but escaped. Montague believes Oscar is a medium and Nigel’s personal connection will stir up any ghosts.


Nigel hires Oscar to investigate the house. Without telling Oscar that he is observing him to see if he is a medium, or what happened in the house, he, Oscar, and the two other staff members for the show, Tina and Chris, head there. Unsettlingly, nothing has been moved or changed: even blood spatters from the murders are still there. Cold spots, bad feelings, and drained batteries suggest that something is very wrong.


It’s clear to Nigel that Oscar is a medium but Oscar denies it, afraid that admitting his visions would end up with him in an institution, but finally he has to face the truth. He, Nigel, Tina, and Chris decide they will try to clear the house of spirits: easier said than done when one is a killer.


This wasn’t as horror-themed as Hawk’s Widdershins books, but it has some inventive and terrifying moments (razor blades in the walls, yikes!)  and touches on heavy issues, including mental illness, suicide, and grief. There’s also the beginnings of a romance between Nigel and Oscar. Hawk’s books are addictive for me and I look forward to the next book in the series.


In terms of representation, Nigel is a trans man, Chris is nonbinary, and Oscar is gay. Author Jordan Hawk is also trans, making this a great choice for the #TransRightsReadathon this week.


Reviewed by Kirsten Kowalewski


Booklist: Great YA Horror of 2022

Wow, it’s been a great year for YA horror! I feel like we are seeing much more diversity than in the past, which is great, and it isn’t just surface: it’s essential to many of these stories.  I read more than I got reviewed for Monster Librarian, and there were definitely other great reads  (Angel Falls by David Surface and Julia Rust, Bitter by Akwake Emezi, How to Succeed at Witchcraft by Aislinn Brophy, Prelude to Lost Souls by Helene Dunbar, and My Dearest Darkest by Kayla Cottingham to name a few) but these are the ones that stand out from the rest.


Cherish Farrah by Bethany C. Morrow:


This is outstanding social horror. Morrow wrote that she initially intended this for an adult market but it hits the mark as a YA crossover.


Cherish is a Black girl adopted by progressive, wealthy, privileged white parents. Farrah is the only other Black girl at the private school they attend.. They have been best friends since fourth grade. Farrah’s father has lost his job and she is staying with Cherish’s family while her parents sell their house and look for new jobs. Farrah is in an antagonistic relationship with her mother, who she also identifies with. There is something wrong with Farrah, and something odd about the situation with Cherish’s family. All of them seem to be individually following their own, different narratives but it is hard to spot because Farrah is the point of view character and she is very focused on controlling situations to her advantage, so she doesn’t notice it in the other characters. There are a few scenes with disturbing body horror and several near-drownings that made this hard to read, but it is really a compelling, dark, and chilling book.


Cover art for Hell Followed with Us by Andrew Joseph White

Hell Followed with Us by Andrew Joseph Wright


This follows trans boy Benji through his flight from the evangelical doomsday cult the Angels, who have infected him with a bioweapon that will eventually turn him into a genocidal monster. Benji finds support through a group of queer teens surviving in the ruins of their community center and they come up with a plan to destroy the Angels and prevent another apocalypse.


The Weight of Blood by Tiffany L. Jackson


Carrie was my first King book, and since I read it as a teenage girl, probably the most impactful. So I was curious to see the differences between the original and this race-bent version. The bones of the original are there but Jackson has updated the story, added depth to many characters, and brought issues of race and class to the fore.


Cover for The Honeys by Ryan La Sala

The Honeys by Ryan La Sala


Mars, a nonbinary teen, decides to go to the summer camp their sister attended after she dies attempting to murder Mars, and join their sister’s cabin, The Honeys, known for living in a cabin near the beehives where they are responsible for tending the bees. But something sinister is going on under the surface. This one is so creepy, and original. You’ll never want to go near bees again.


The Whispering Dark by Kelly Andrew


Wow, this is a wild ride. If it doesn’t make the Stoker shortlist it will be an absolute shame.


Delaney is Deaf (with a cochlear implant) and has brittle bones. She has always seen and heard shadows (her deafness plays a role in this). Now she has been admitted to Godbole College. Students at Godbole all have some kind of occult ability: most have died and come back.


Several months into the year, a missing Godbole student, Nate Schiller, is discovered severely hurt in Chicago. Unknown to Lane, Nate had died and was haunting her, but has found a way back: he is now possessed by a dark godlike force that is destroying his mind and body. When Lane visits it senses a more acceptable vessel. And then the story goes into truly strange and scary territory.


These Fleeting Shadows by Kate Alice Marshall.


Helen Vaughan and her mother left Harrow, the Vaughan family estate, when Helen was seven, and return for the first time for her grandfather’s funeral. Her grandfather leaves Harrow to her, if she will agree to be its mistress, live there for a year, and go through a ritual at the end to see if the house accepts her. Basically all of her family except her cousins Desmond and Celia are terrible people who clearly do not have her best interests at heart. The house itself is designed to seem to be a spiral labyrinth, or trap, for a dark force, and Helen finds herself wandering for hours, hearing voices tell her to “find the heart of Harrow.” The descriptions of the house are amazing, in some ways reminding me of Hill House. When her cousins leave she begins a cautious friendship with Bryony Locke, the Harrow Witch, who wants to release it. She and Bryony find a journal in cipher which Helen gets Desmond to crack, which tells a disturbing story about the founder of the Vaughan family and the gruesome way the family has kept the dark god trapped. It is foreshadowed, but the story completely flips in an unexpected and satisfying way.


Parts of the story, especially names, are inspired by Arthur Machen’s story The Great God Pan. Women in that story have very little agency, and Marshall gives it back in the form and actions of Helen Vaughan in this book. I think this is the best of Marshall’s books I’ve read to date and will be surprised if it isn’t on the Stoker shortlist.


Book Review: Cats vs. Robots: This Is War by Margaret Stohl and Lewis Peterson

Cats vs. Robots: This Is War by Margaret Stohl and Lewis Peterson, illustrated by Kay Peterson

HarperCollins, 2018

ISBN-13: 978-0062665706

Available: Hardcover, Kindle edition, audiobook, audio CD


Cats vs. Robots: This Is War is a rare treat at a time when things have gotten pretty serious and scary, and there is a lot of anger and misunderstanding out there. The technologically oriented Wengrod family gets caught in the middle of an intergalactic race between a robot empire and an empire of cats, to acquire the “Singularity Chip,” , which could lead to immortality. Twins Max and Min are nothing alike: Min loves school, order, and inventing robots, while Max hates school and loves videogames and the neighbors’ cat. Despite knowing his parents and sister hate cats, Max rescues two kittens and brings them home, only to discover that their inventor parents have taken off on a work trip to China, leaving them in the care of their cousin Javi, who is willing to give the kittens, a source of chaos, a tryout. Obi, the elderly neighborhood cat, is an agent of the cat empire, but it’s unclear if he’ll be able to survive long enough to thwart the robots and acquire the chip, so he sends the kittens on a mission, but being kittens they primarily create chaos, and they manage, unknowingly, to damage the robot Min has been building (it’s pretty awesome to see Min at work– there should be more science- and coding-loving girls in fiction). In the meantime, the robot empire has managed to subvert the electronic system that controls the house, which tries to convince the Wengrods’ early robot creations to stop the kittens and find and retrieve the Singularity Chip, invented by Max and Min’s parents and hidden from thieves. In the midst of all this, Max and Min have to make peace with each other, and both robots and cats have to accept that not all of them share all the same traits.

Javi, while not a main character, plays an important role in a couple of ways. First, they are the first nonbinary character I’ve seen in a middle grade book, and Stohl and Peterson take the time to explain it in a way kids should be able to understand (Stohl has a nonbinary child). Second, Javi, knowing what it is to not fit inside a single box, is both understanding and encouraging in trying to make peace between the robots and the cats. Stohl and Petersen do a nice job of making Javi a part of the story without making them the focus.

Stohl’s characterization of both cats and robots made me grin. She takes their most common traits and exaggerates them to the point that I had to laugh, but at the same time shows individuals who display differences. This is a funny book and a fast read with a serious theme and plenty of action and wackiness that is perfect for engaging readers of all kinds, in a time when it seems people can find nothing to bring them together.  Highly recommended.