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YA Fiction: Too Many Girls?

It’s common to hear that the reason boys don’t read is because they don’t want to read “girl books”, and that there is a tilt in publishing, writing, and marketing toward books for girls and by women. In fact, there is a book published by the American Library Association called Connecting Boys with Books (a second edition was published in 2009) which makes the argument that boys are drawn to “boys’ books” and specific genres, and that libraries need to make special efforts to meet those needs in order to close the literacy gap. Ana at Lady Business has written a very interesting (and very long) post called Gender Balance in YA Fiction. What’s great about this is that, while it isn’t comprehensive, it’s grounded in solid data, and provides a list of further reading at the end.

What Ana did was look at the award winners from 22 book awards that include YA fiction and categorize the books according to the gender of the protagonist(s) and the gender of the author(s), and draw some conclusions based on that. From her data it looks like there are more male protagonists than female protagonists in YA fiction award winners, which is pretty interesting. And there are more female authors in YA award winners than there are males. But Ana suggests that the difference in percentages is not enough to be significant (She also broke down the data for specific awards and THAT is pretty interesting, if you want to look at it).

Ana’s research doesn’t mean that there isn’t a literacy gap, or that boys aren’t reading predominantly “boys’books”. But the assumption that this is because there aren’t enough male protagonists in YA fiction, or males writing it, clearly deserves more examination. Ana says she addressed the question of whether interests are gendered in her MA thesis, and her research showed it didn’t. I think that’s true(although obviously my experiences are anecdotal). One reason this site was started was to provide choices that could attract reluctant readers, who are frequently boys… but I have encountered so many girls and women who love scary books and horror fiction that I don’t think horror can be described as a gendered interest (although I’d love to see statistics on the readership of horror fiction). And I have also helped boys find cookbooks, animal books, drawing books. and fairytales. To me, it suggests that this is a social issue, and a difficult one. How can we(and by we I mean everybody) get boys to read all kinds of books, and respect and encourage their interests, whatever they are? That, I think, is the question.

Ana did not include the YA category from the Stoker Awards in her analysis, She has said she’s open to including information on other YA awards. It would be great if someone from the HWA could provide her with the information, which could help inform her research.

Halloween is Coming! HWA’s Halloween Haunts, Coming Soon.

And with Halloween come special Halloween events. The first one to come to our attention is the HWA Halloween Haunts online blog event,  to take place on their Dark Whispers blog, with at least one new entry every day from October 1-31! Well, I’ll just cut and paste the press release and you can read about it yourselves.


The Horror Writers Association Announces Its

Second Annual HALLOWEEN HAUNTS Online Blog Event


Spend Halloween with the Horror Writers!


September 8, 2012— This Halloween, horror fans will know exactly where to go to connect with their favorite horror writers and discover new ones. The Horror Writers Association is proud to present the Second Annual Halloween Haunts blog event. In celebration of Halloween and horror writing, the HWA will post at least one new blog entry by a horror writer every day from October 1 to October 31—and many posts will feature giveaways, such as books and e-books.


HWA members will be blogging about their favorite parts of Halloween, their treasured (or terrifying!) Halloween experiences, what life is like as a horror writer, or even their experience as a member of the HWA. Winners of the HWA’s 2012 Bram Stoker Awards® will be featured in spotlight interviews. No one knows Halloween better than horror writers and there’s no better time of year than October to dig into some horror writing!


Halloween Haunts is designed to help connect horror writers with readers, share some Halloween fun (and a few good chills), and showcase the benefits of HWA membership.


Halloween Haunts will take place on the Dark Whispers blog (http://www.horror.org/blog/), the official blog of the HWA. Giveaways and prizes will be announced daily, and all giveaways are provided by individual members of the HWA.


Last year’s Halloween Haunts event is archived online: http://www.horror.org/blog/?m=201110&paged=5.


Founded in 1985, the Horror Writers Association (www.horror.org) exists to promote and protect the careers of professional horror writers, to mentor those seeking to enter their ranks, and to raise the profile of the horror genre in the publishing industry and among readers. The HWA gives the iconic Bram Stoker Awards® for Superior Achievement, named in honor of Bram Stoker, author of the seminal horror work, Dracula, and organizes The Bram Stoker Awards Weekend, a conference for horror writers, which occurs every two years, with the next scheduled for New Orleans in June 2013: http://www.stokers2013.org/ .


Contact: James Chambers, Chairman, HWA Membership Committee, membership@horror.org; or Rocky Wood, President, Horror Writers Association, president@horror.org; or to host a Halloween Haunts giveaway on your blog or website, contact Anita Siraki, thedarkeva@yahoo.com




Chelsea Quinn Yarbro Guest Post: Writing on the Walls

Among her other accomplishments, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro is the author of the Count St. Germain series of vampire novels, which begins with Hotel Transylvania, a nominee for HWA Vampire Novel of the Century. The 25th (and newest) book in the series,Commedia della Morte, will be released this month. Chelsea has shared her insights into libraries and the research process in the past, and today, as part of the blog tour for Commedia della Morte, she’s got something to say about the the importance of literacy, in all its incarnations. Thank you, Chelsea, and good luck!


In Praise of the Written Word

When researching Blood Games many years ago, I found myself reading a fascinating book on graffiti throughout the Roman Empire; there was a lot of it. Most of it was fairly typical: Good fortune to Pulcheria, who has the greatest tits in the Lupanar; Marcus Flavius is a cheating pig; Greens forever; Arnax will beat Sepulins on Saturday’s Games; special at Antonius’ trattoria today and similar kinds of comments; a few were more pointed and political, but all of them provided significant insight into the attitudes and behavior of a large portion of the people of Rome. The examples in the book were an engaging collection, and more so because they were familiar — modern graffiti are much the same. Yet there are vast stretches of history that seem to be graffiti-less, and what little exists is pictures, not words. Which first and foremost tells you that in those times, most people could not read or write: graffiti is proof of a level of literacy that is not often encountered in many historical eras, or a great number of cultures. The Romans were unusual in that they encouraged reading and writing in almost all classes of society, and along with it, kept public records and documenting all manner of transactions, which makes researching their history and culture far easier than, say, researching everyday life in Moscow in the fifteenth century, or in the Amazon basin in 1920. Archaeologists discover ancient and often unknown cultures that remain largely a mystery due to the absence to some form of written language, starting with the presence or absence of graffiti.

Social continuity is contained in many aspects of the society, but the one that bestows the greatest continuity is written language, which allows the understanding of one generation to be built upon by subsequent ones, thereby retaining a reliable line between past and future, and keeping a link from the present to the future. If you want to put this to the test, read some of the theories about Egyptian hieroglyphics that were embraced before the Rosetta Stone was found and decoded, and then look at what we learned about that vanished civilization afterward. And yes, it was vanished in spite of some of the most spectacular monuments ever built, walls and walls of graffiti and bas-relief carvings, paintings in tombs, and papyrus scrolls. The written word revealed the ancient Egyptians to us as no pyramid or temple ever could, and it is through the written word that we have learned what all those tremendous artifacts were all about.

Of course, language changes over time, words mutate, new words come into use, old ones fade away, but where there is writing and reading, the culture remains coherent. As wonderful and revealing as folklore is, it does not offer the level of documentation written accounts do. Where literacy is rare, folklore flourishes, adapting over time to changing conditions among those who do not read or write, and although folklore provides context and sagas of all sorts, it does not allow the development of society through cumulative thought, be that thought academic, commercial, legal, entertaining, pragmatic, or aligned to any other endeavor.

When literacy is restricted, learning is compromised. When reading and writing are limited to one sector of society, information becomes the tool of that sector. Writing and reading provide opportunities for moving beyond the “what is” to the next step, and that next step emerges when thought is made lucid through writing and accessibility to others who read and write. So welcome graffiti: it means that language is active and that most of the society can read and write, can think for themselves, and know how to question what they see around them, and can pass all those things and many, many others on to those who come after us, as well as enriching our own lives.