Here’s a new tradition I can get behind- All Hallow’s Read, first proposed here by Neil Gaiman. What do you do to participate? Give someone a scary book this Halloween, or at least the week of Halloween. October 25 was the All Hallow’s Read Book Drop, a day to leave a scary book in a random location for the next person who sees it. Of course, you could do this any day, so don’t let the fact that the date has passed stop you. Even if you don’t feel like leaving a book for a random stranger, you can always send one to a friend, or a kid, assuming that you like them, pick something appropriate, and end up encouraging them to read more. Or you could even do a round robin. Hey, however you want to do it is great! Post below and tell me what book you gave or how you celebrated All Hallow’s Read, and I’ll randomly pick a winner for a signed copy of The Night Strangers by Chris Bohjalian, who I just met yesterday, and whose book, so far, is very cool. Give a book this Halloween, or in the words of , share a scare!
Halloween Books, Continued
Lucy, a librarian who read my last post, pointed me to another list of new and not-so-scary books to share at storytime by Nora Rawlinson at EarlyWord, a collection development and readers advisory blog that collects reviews, bestseller lists, and much more in one place. Very nice! These are also mostly current books, although she also listed a couple of her own favorites. It was fun to see Pamela Jane’s Little Goblins Ten on her list- a very cute book that we just received here- and a brand new easy reader. The lack of “scary” easy readers is a frustration of mine. There’s nothing wrong with Biscuit or Henry and Mudge– these are both series a lot of kids love-, but some kids just aren’t motivated by the typical easy readers. They want the spooky stuff. I’ve noticed a few more titles like this recently, and am glad to see that this is changing.
In other news, I was pointed toward a blog called A Book-lovers’ Review, which is holding a contest that looks like a lot of fun, if you like either YA or adult paranormal fiction. It’s called “Trick or Treat Spook-tacular”, and there is a giveaway of a selection of titles, many of them signed, every day until October 31. In the interests of full disclosure, I haven’t encountered this one before and don’t know much about it. According to the reviewer, she includes information about content in her reviews, which could be useful, but this is definitely not a professional review site. Still, the contest looks really cool! I wish I knew how she managed to collect all these signed books, because I’d love to do this kind of giveway for you all right here!!
Giveaway: Lost In Time by Melissa de la Cruz
How cool is this? Melissa de la Cruz’s newest Blue Bloods book, Lost in Time, comes out tomorrow (Sept 27) and we have a signed copy to give away! This is the sixth book in the series, and if the trailer, posted at Hollywood Crush, is anything to go by, it looks very intriguing.
So all you Blue Bloods fans out there, this is your chance to win a SIGNED GIVEAWAY COPY!
Just post below and tell me what you’re reading right now. I’ll randomly choose a winner on Saturday, October 1.
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