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Book Review: Darling by Brad Hodson

Darling by Brad C. Hodson

Bad Moon Books, 2012

ISBN-13: 978-0-9884478-1-3

Available: Used paperback, Kindle edition


At its heart, Darling is a classic haunted house novel. It doesn’t cross genres, or break any daring new ground, but that’s okay. It centers around Raynham Place, an apartment complex built on land that has a history of violence and death going back more than a century; t was the site of a Civil War battlefield, and then became a tuberculosis hospital. This setting might sound like old hat, but it is created with style and unfolds perfectly within the plot. Although the story takes place in the present, the classic haunted atmosphere has a great 80’s horror novel feel— similar to books published under Dell’s Abyss imprint (I loved many novels in that line…reading this novel is like slipping on a favorite old shirt.)


The story begins when Dennis decides that his younger friend, Mike, move into Raynham Place. Once in the building, they start to notice strange things afoot. The behavior of the main characters begins to change, and the building’s past is slowly divulged. Hodson’s timely uncovering of the elements of his plot, from the background of the building, to the personal history between the main characters, is carefully revealed to perfect effect. This extended suspense, combined with Hodson’s gift for super creepy tone, makes the whole thing work perfectly. Darling is an excellent horror novel, and readers who are looking for a fresh voice telling classic-style horror tales have a new author to check out. Highly recommended.


Contains: violence and psychological terror.

Reviewed by David Agranoff