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Book Review: Scarlet Odyssey (Scarlet Odyssey #1) by C.T. Rwizi

cover for Scarlet Odyssey by C.T. Rwizi

Scarlet Odyssey by C.T. Rwizi (  Amazon.com  )

47North, 2020

ISBN-13: 978-1542023825

Available: Hardcover, paperback, Kindle edition, audiobook


C.T. Rwizi is a South African author who has drawn from African mythology and landscapes as well as more common fantasy and science fiction tropes to create  a unique but recognizable epic fantasy that goes to some very dark places.

In the Red Wilds, among the people of the Yerezi Plains, gender roles are very rigid: men become warriors and hunters, and women become scholars and mystics. Salo is the exception. Before she died, his mother, a mystic, left him the tools to become a powerful mystic himself, but he has kept his talent hidden. Then his clan is attacked by a dark witch, the Maidservant, and her soldiers, killing many of his clan.

The Maidservant is compelled by a curse to serve Dark Sun, a warlord with ambitions to conquer all of the Redlands, but she has plans of her own. The Maidservant’s magic is fed by agony, blood, and  hatred stemming from a similar attack on her own village in nearby Umadiland many years ago. Now she is forced to repeat the actions which drove her to revenge.

After the attack, in an effort to save  what remains of his clan, Salo asks to be recognized as his clan’s mystic. When he claims his mystic power, the men of his clan feel betrayed. The queen of the Yerezi Plains decides it is too difficult for Salo to remain and sends him on a diplomatic mission to the faraway city of Yonte Saire (I received an ARC of this book and it did not have a map, which seems like a major omission for a story so geographically oriented, so I hope one was included in the final version).

The strict gender roles are also the reason Ilapra left the Yerezi Plains for nearby Umadiland. Her ability and desire to be a fighter was dismissed because she is a woman. As a paid guard and soldier, she has found herself on ethically shaky ground. Salo, traveling alone, hires her to be his guardian. The two join forces with Tuk, an atmech, part machine and part human, created in the more technologically advanced Empire of Light by a necromancer. Appearing and acting just as human as Salo and Ilapra,  but with advanced abilities in language and weaponry, Tuk tells them he is traveling to discover the Redlands, which are mostly unknown in the Empire of Light.

Isa is the last member of the ruling family of the Kingdom of Yontai, the Saires, who were murdered in a bloody massacre by possessed soldiers. She has sought sanctuary in the temple while she solidifies her position and decides what her options are, as the head of the Crocodile clan has himself named prince regent. She does not know Salo is coming or that he is unaware that the political situation he’s walking into has changed.

The Enchantress is a mystic who has some kind of plan to destabilize the Kingdom of Yontai both economically and politically. It’s not totally clear what her agenda is, but she is ruthless.

The book’s storytelling alternates between these five point of view characters. A big chunk of the front end of the story involves Salo’s character development and world-building before he sets off on his journey to Yonte Saire, and the backstory of the Maidservant.  It is mostly long and slow, partly because Salo, Tuk, and Ilapra are on a long, slow journey. However, Salo is being tracked by the followers of Dark Sun, including the Maidservant, who recognize that he has a unique talent and must be eliminated for Dark Sun to continue his conquest, so the story is broken up with solid action sequences involving impressive magic and considerable bloodshed. The limited technology means communication over long distances is difficult and uncommon, so the Yerezi queen, the Maidservant, and Salo and his friends don’t know what’s really going on in Yonte Saire.

Probably the most successful thing Rwizi accomplished character-wise was to give dimension to the Maidservant. It would be easy to make her a one-dimensional, evil character, but instead she is an example of what trauma can do, passed on to traumatize and victimize others who are in the same situation she was in. There is graphic violence and gore in the book- Rwizi’s black witches really are stained black.

The world building is impressive, and it’s interesting to see how the characters’ worlds widen as they travel. I think we will see this story spreading out onto a larger canvas regarding magic, technology, what constitutes civilization and power, and (possibly) climate change. I also suspect there will be a return to the Yerezi Plains as Rwizi left a number of loose ends.

Because this is a first book and the world building doesn’t have European fantasy tropes to fall back on, Scarlet Odyssey is long, but it isn’t entirely satisfying, because despite its length it ends just as the characters all finally began to come together. It feels like the story is finally picking up the pace and getting going… and then it’s done.  Still, it’s a fine beginning to what looks to be an ambitious piece of African speculative fiction. Rwizi is a strong writer who does a good job establishing setting, developing characters, and creating some truly disturbing action scenes. I look forward to his next, hopefully faster-moving, volume in this series.  Recommended for adult readers and older teens with strong stomachs.

Contains: large-scale murder, violence, gore, slavery.

Book Review: The Fourth Whore by Ev Knight

The Fourth Whore by Ev Knight (Bookshop.org | Amazon.com)

Raw Dog Screaming Press, 2020

ISBN: 978-1-947879-16-4

Availability: paperback, Kindle


The Fourth Whore is the debut novel from Ev Knight.  It’s the eclectic, and often bloody, story of Kenzi, a young, woman with hard luck, caught up in a centuries-old struggle of the gods.  Written from a number of character viewpoints, The Fourth Whore is a dark tale combining the ugliness of humanity with the insanity of the deities who are involved with it.


Kenzi is the focal point of the book, and her life sets the overall grim tone of the story in the first few pages.  She’s saddled with trying to pay for a slum apartment and supporting her junkie mother, which she does by peddling dope.   She also peddles herself to the landlord for rent.  Despite the fact that she’s quintessential street trash, it’s easy to like her.  She does have dreams of a better life, and her upbringing hardly resembles re-runs of The Brady Bunch.  Her pseudo-guardian, Sariel, is also intriguing; he’s a study in contrasts.  Kenzi knows him as the ‘Scribble Man,’ but he’s actually Death, the collector of souls for God.  However, he’s no faithful servant: his job is a punishment, not a blessing.  Also, his occasional sympathy for the dead, and sometimes aiding Kenzi in her times of extreme need, render him all too human.   His collecting allows for some hilariously bleak humor at times, such as when he grows impatient waiting for a young man to throw himself into a river with a load of heavy chain, thereby drowning himself.  Very morbid, but the thoughts Sariel voices are also quite amusing in a twisted way.


Kenzi and Sariel’s lives are quickly tied into the ‘god’ story thread, as both of them become targets of Lilith, a demi-god.  The story takes a nice turn here, as the author has re-worked the Bible story of Adam and Eve.  In this version, Lilith was the original wife of Adam, but she was tossed from Eden and tormented for failure to be a 1950’s style, submissive housewife to Adam.  Needless to say, when freed from her prison, she’s angry and wants revenge on…everything, and everyone.  She’s the closest thing to pure evil in the book, although some readers, especially women, may actually find her quite sympathetic, perhaps more so than any other character.


Therein lies Knight’s primary strength: she’s very good at painting her characters as somewhat sympathetic, or at least relatable, to all types of readers.   The story itself is good, but it’s the characters and how they feel that carry the book to its conclusion.  The only minor drawback is the occasional lack of cohesion around some of the plot elements in the book.  Things happen, but the reader might be questioning how they happened, as no hint of reason is given.  Events don’t always relate to each other, and seem occasionally random.  A little more explanation for some sections would have helped boost the story to the next level.


Overall, a solid first effort from Ev Knight, and worth reading.


Contains: profanity, graphic violence and gore, graphic sex.


Reviewed by Murray Samuelson





Book Review: Rules for Vanishing by Kate Alice Marshall

Rules for Vanishing by Kate Alice Marshall

Viking Books for Young Readers, 2019

ISBN-13: 978-1984837011

Available: Hardcover, paperback, Kindle edition



The legend of Lucy Gallows says that 12 year old Lucy Callow ran into the woods after an argument with her mother, and when her brother went after her, he saw her step onto a road, and as she walked away, both she and the road vanished, never to be found.

Sara Donoghue’s sister Becca was obsessed with the legend of Lucy Gallows, going so far as to fill a notebook with thoughts, drawings, photographs, and clues that could lead her to the vanished road and find Lucy.  A year ago, on April 18, Becca disappeared, and Sara is certain her sister found her way to the road. Now everyone in her school has received a text message to find a partner and a key to find the road by midnight. Anthony, Trina, Kyle, Mel and Nick were Becca and Sara’s closest friends, and despite doubts, all of them show up to see if the road appears. The road has seven gates, and you need a partner to hold on to as you take the thirteen necessary (and disorienting) steps through each gate.  Becca’s notebook contains rules for traveling on the road:

Don’t leave the road.

When it’s dark, don’t let go.

There are other roads. Don’t follow them.

The road does appear, but since three of the friends have shown up with partners for the game, there is an odd number, meaning someone won’t have a partner. And in the dark, it’s easy to get separated and accidentally step off the road. The teens are not on a friendly stroll here; they are on a terrible road with frightening and sometimes deadly obstacles, and once they’re through the gate, they can’t turn back. But they also can’t help breaking the rules. If the reader isn’t filled with dread at the beginning of their journey, it won’t take long for that to happen.

Marshall constructs her story in a complicated way. First, we get Sara’s relatively straightforward narrative, told entirely from her point of view.  Then we move to a point past the events on the road,  with transcripts from interviews with Sara, and others who were on the journey, by Andrew Ashford, a discredited researcher of the paranormal.  There’s also documentation of what happened before the teens stepped onto the road (through text messages between Sara’s friends) and while they were on it (cell phone recordings and videos, and photographs) suggesting that maybe Sara’s story is not as straightforward or reliable as it seems to be. Marshall balances these nicely to create a cohesive, if sometimes hallucinatory, story.   The creativity of the story and the work that goes in to structuring a book like this are impressive. I wasn’t a big fan of most of the characters, but the world-building is outstanding (although I am curious as to why the author chose to ground her story in a legend from Brittany when the book is set in Massachusetts), and the suspense is terrific.

I wonder if this is meant to stand alone (it certainly can) or if it’s meant to be part of a longer series about Andrew Ashford’s investigations of the paranormal, which I would find intriguing. Either way, for those who like the puzzle of pulling a story together, it’s a compelling and worthwhile read. Recommended.

Contains: Violence, gore,  murder


Reviewed by Kirsten Kowalewski


Editor’s note:  Rules for Vanishing was nominated to the final ballot of the 2019 Bram Stoker Award in the category of Superior Achievement in a Young Adult Novel.