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Book Review: Flowers in a Dumpster by Mark Allan Gunnells

Flowers In A Dumpster by Mark Allan Gunnells

Crystal Lake Publishing, 2015

ISBN 9780994679321

Available: print, Kindle ebook

Flowers in a Dumpster contains seventeen short stories, each presenting a provocative investigation of human nature, specifically regarding what happens when hope is gone. Several stories stand out to me.

In “Past Lives,” the world is a very different place after a supervirus ravaged the United States, wiping out a large percentage of the population. A struggling family reluctantly takes in a wayward stranger, one who proves to be all too familiar and a reminder of the lies told by the leader of the free world. This was a very striking story.

“Welcome” and “Welcome Back” both focus on Steve and Al, a couple that gets stranded and end up trapped in a strange house. In the first story, the couple head to the first house they see to call for help. They are greeted by a frantic woman, practically dragged inside, and told a fantastic story about her family being trapped in the house for two years. Now that Steve and Al have arrived, the small family can finally escape. But what of Steve and Al? “Welcome Back” is a continuation that takes place five years after the couple became trapped in the mysterious house. I think the most interesting aspect of the stories is watching how each of the men deal with the stress of their situation. It’s truly heartbreaking.

The shortest story of the collection, “The Support Group,” is probably my favorite in this book, and is one of the most powerful. “The Support Group” personifies various cities around the world that are festooned with parasites. They are desperate to rid themselves of their problem, but no one is willing or able to go as far as one did, one who succeeded.

Two other stories that I found to be gripping are “Similar Interests” and Land of Plenty.” The former is a unique take on the serial killer story. It is told through the perspectives of two serial killers. The latter tells of a small but prosperous community that keeps its population in check using an unorthodox method of control.

A few of the stories, while intriguing, didn’t quite deliver. One such story, “The Locked Tower,” dealt with a man obsessed with gaining access to a forbidden tower in a building at his old college. He’s thwarted at every turn by university administration and security, among others. What he discovers falls flat to me, but others may find it to intriguing.

These are just a handful of flowers you can find in this collection. If you want a stories of a visceral nature, pick up this collection. You won’t be disappointed. Recommended.

Contains: body horror, gore, sex, abuse

Reviewed by Lizzy Walker

Book Review: Invaders: 22 Tales from the Outer Limits of Literature edited by Jacob Weisman

Invaders: 22 Tales from the Outer Limits of Literature  edited by Jacob Weisman

Tachyon Publications, July 2016

ISBN-13: 978-1616962104

Available for pre-order: Paperback and Kindle edition

The title and cover art of Invaders are deceiving: this is not a collection of stories about alien invasions, although there are a number of stories of first contact. Instead, editor Jacob Weisman has chosen previously published stories by authors typically considered writers of literary fiction that “explore the essence of science fiction”, in an attempt to discover what literary authors do differently from science fiction authors (his answer seems to be that mainstream writers include more about sex and relationships, but I would argue that isn’t necessarily so). Authors represented include horror writer Brian Evenson, W.P. Kinsella, George Saunders, Junot Diaz, and Katherine Dunn.

So what is the essence of science fiction? James Gunn posits that it makes the assumption that the universe is knowable, and that humans, while products of their environment, are still evolving and adapting to change. Mainstream fiction, he says, is more focused on relationships between individuals. If we accept that, the question is whether these stories represent a science fictional point of view. Of the varied stories that appear in this volume, the majority do seem to do that, some with more of a focus on the science fictional world view than others. Some of the stories were truly fantastic, or playing on tropes, while others depended heavily on science fictional world-building. Most followed a traditional narrative structure, but some stories used a disruptive narrative style. A weakness of the anthology is that very few of the stories focus on outward exploration or interest in the natural world, or in conflict or politics. Aliens come to Earth, but humans have little interest in the stars. Instead, the majority of the stories are focused on humans’ exploitation and manipulation of themselves and each other, and the consequences of that behavior, both positive and negative.

Probably the most outstanding and memorable story is Ben Loory’s “The Squid Who Fell In Love With The Sun”, with its extraordinarily optimistic and unselfish main character, who evolves and learns through sheer will. Another favorite of mine was Max Apple’s entertaining story “The Yogurt of Vasirin Kefirovsky”; the main character’s obsession with yogurt and reminisces about an earlier time hit very close to home. “LIMBs”by Julia Elliott is a powerful story that will leave anyone who has ever dealt with dementia with hope: in it, an elderly woman’s memories return when she receives electrical stimulation for a new, artificial limb. “Lambing Season” by Molly Gloss is a gentle tale of first contact set against a shepherd’s long months in the mountains of the Southwest United States that wakes her sense of wonder. “The Region of Unlikeness” is a rambling tale with unsympathetic characters that raises the question of whether we can escape our future by the choices we make in the present. “We Are The Olfanauts” by Deji Bryce Olukotun and “Escape From Spiderhead” by George Saunders address complex characters being forced to make difficult ethical choices in settings that emphasize the banality of horrific behavior in a technological, corporate world. Jonathan Lethem’s “Five Fucks”and Brian Evenson’s “Fugue State” were deliberately disorienting, making unexplained leaps through nonlinear narrative, and using unreliable narrators. These stories, while memorable, weren’t necessarily enjoyable, and they required careful reading (in Evenson’s case an ironclad stomach is also helpful). One story I found frustrating was Junot Diaz’s “Monstro”. Diaz does a great job of developing his protagonist and portrays the Dominican Republic so vividly I could almost see it, but the end is dissatisfying. As a survivor of “the end of the world”, what happened? I felt that the story cut off before it was over.

If you are looking for a straightforward collection of stories about first contact and alien invasions, this anthology will not be your cup of tea. If you are hoping to find science fiction/horror hybrids, you will find a few– “Escape From Spiderhead” and “Fugue State” are both pretty terrifying, and “Monstro” has some frightening moments. The best audience for this collection, though, is the curious reader interested in seeing what “literary” writers produce as science fiction. It might not convince dedicated science fiction readers to join the literary mainstream, but it could be that readers of some of these more mainstream, contemporary authors, might be convinced to stick a toe into the deep waters of science fiction. For that reason, large public libraries will want to consider it, and shelve it in the regular fiction collection. Recommended.

Contains: adult situations, sex, murder, violence, suicide, drug use

Book Review: Before He Finds Her by Michael Kardos

Before He Finds Her by Michael Kardos

Mysterious Press, 2015

ISBN-13: 978-0802123190

Available: Hardcover, Paperback, Audible, and Kindle edition
Before He Finds Her is a interesting concept for a thriller.  Melanie is a survivor whose mother was murdered by her father. He was never caught, and the world believes she was also with her mother. Living under a new name, and with a new life, Melanie has grown up knowing her past. She has tried hard to protect her secrets, and protecting her secrets has become a part of her life.

Now eighteen, Melanie decides she wants justice, and since the authorities never did their job, why not her?

I thought this was a neat concept and had great potential as a thriller.  My most serious problem with this book was that it takes 100 pages to get to the story. There are some flashbacks and interesting plotting going on, but it took a long time for me to get invested. While I have enjoyed books that took that long to get into the story, the problem here is that the characters and setting were flat along the way. I didn’t find Melanie as interesting as a character with her tragic and intense life should be. There were some interesting conflicts in the father, but I also didn’t find him as scary as I thought he needed to be.

Once the pacing picks up, the story is more interesting, but by that point I was struggling to force interest.

All that being said, I think this book should be in library collections. It has a interesting concept, and if it holds readers’ interest, it’s a well-done story.

Reviewed by David Agranoff