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Banned Books Week: Rage by Stephen King

In doing a little research on Stephen King for Banned Books Week (many of his books have been challenged or banned) I learned something I didn’t know about. I always thought that his first book was Carrie, but Carrie was actually his first published book. I knew King had also previously written under the name Richard Bachman, and I’ve actually read two of them, Thinner and The Running Man (and find both terrifying). But, since I don’t keep up on these things I didn’t know that the first four Bachman novels had been published together. One of the stories included in that omnibus is King’s first novel, Rage, which tells the story of a high school shooter who takes his Algebra II class hostage, and the events that unroll within the classroom walls as everyone reveals their secrets. Rage was published in 1977, and republished with the other Bachman novels in 1985.  According to James Smythe, a writer for the Guardian who is rereading all of King’s work in chronological order (click here to see his commentary on Rage), King actually began writing this book in 1966, when he was still himself in high school. Today it seems unnervingly prescient, and in fact school shootings in 1989, 1996, and 1997  were apparently influenced by the book. After a fourth incident, when a 14 year old boy named Michael Carneal shot eight students at his high school, killing three, and also turned out to have Rage in his possession, King requested that the publisher let the book go out of print. It’s the only one of King’s books to have gone out of print. In a keynote he gave to the Vermont Library Association, he said (and this is a paraphrase):


Do I think that Rage may have provoked Carneal, or any other badly adjusted young person, to resort to the gun?

… There are factors in the Carneal case which make it doubtful that Rage was the defining factor, but I fully recognize that it is in my own self-interest to feel just that way; that I am prejudiced in my own behalf. I also recognize the fact that a novel such as Rage may act as an accelerant on a troubled mind… That such stories, video games… or photographic scenarios will exist no matter what–that they will be obtainable under the counter if not over it–begs the question. The point is that I don’t want to be a part of it. Once I knew what had happened, I pulled the ejection-seat lever on that particular piece of work. I withdrew Rage, and I did it with relief rather than regret.

Rage is not a banned book. If you wanted to, you could, I suppose, seek it out. But, even though King has written another novel about a murderous high school student, Carrie, Carrie doesn’t seem to inspire the uncomfortable feeling Rage did, for him to allow it to go out of print. He continues to write stories and books that inspire terror and horror, or at least unease, and has written other books that have been challenged or banned, something he strongly believes should always be protested.

So perhaps it comes down to this question: What is the responsibility of the author to his or her readers, and to society? The ideas and words contained in a book can be very powerful and it’s always possible that they will lead to destructive (or incredibly inspiring) acts. There’s always someone at the tipping point. That doesn’t mean the person will necessarily fall or that the work should be silenced. Earshot, the episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer that contained a school shooting and was scheduled to be shown shortly after the Columbine shooting, was pushed back further into that season, but it hasn’t faded into obscurity. In the same keynote address, King noted:

If, on the other hand, you were to ask me if the presence of potentially unstable or homicidal persons makes it immoral to write a novel or make a movie in which violence plays a part, I would say absolutely not. In most cases, I have no patience with such reasoning. I reject it as both bad thinking and bad morals. Like it or not, violence is a part of life and a unique part of American life. If accused of being part of the problem, my response is the time-honored reporter’s answer: “Hey, many, I don’t make the news, I just report it.”

Perhaps it just makes King uncomfortable that the sale of Rage might have been a motivating factor in more than one of the cases I mentioned above. I know I would feel that way. He wasn’t forced into his decision– letting Rage go out of print was a personal decision and a request he made of his publisher. It does beg the question though–  where do we draw the line, as readers and writers? It’s something each of us must do on our own. King drew his. Where would you draw yours?



What Banned Books Week Really Means

It’s kind of interesting to look at the opinions, or lack thereof, of the authors of banned books on censorship. R.L Stine, author of the Goosebumps series and many, many other books both scary and funny, doesn’t seem to have much to say. The Goosebumps series was #15 on the list 100 Most Banned/Challenged Books,1990-1999, and was still in the top 100 for the list for 2000-2009, and just last year was challenged in Kirbyville, Texas. But in interviews, he’s rarely asked about censorship of his books, and the most I could find was a comment from him from a chat on CNN that attempting to ban the Harry Potter books was “silly”. Maybe when you’ve written as many books as he has, one person, or school, or library, taking one book from a series with 100+ titles seems pretty insignificant (I’d love to really know what he thinks).

Stephen King, whose book Cujo has been challenged and banned in the past, has made it clear that he opposes book banning, but he’s also said that he doesn’t see it as a major issue. A writer writes, and if he’s defending his books, then he’s not writing. I get that, but he also says he believes a defense should be mounted– but by whom? In a speech he gave titled ” I Want To Be Typhoid Stevie” in 1997 he said that when his books are challenged or banned, he tells kids this:

Don’t get mad, get even… Run, don’t walk, to the nearest nonschool library or to the local bookstore and get whatever it was that they banned. Read whatever they’re trying to keep out of your eyes and your brain, because that’s exactly what you need to know.

His philosophy hasn’t really changed too much. I don’t totally agree with him– I think it’s important for kids to stand up for their right to read, and while you certainly can find at least some of his books there (he’s written so many), not everyone has easy access to a library or bookstore where they can easily acquire a challenged or banned book, or owns an ereader (you can now buy his books online, and some of them are only available as ebooks). Maybe if you tear the house apart you’ll find that your dad has a secret stash (which is how I first tripped over King’s books). Or maybe not. If he doesn’t protest challenges to his books, and kids don’t, who in a divided community will provide that defense? A school librarian may be an amazing advocate who carries the day… but it scares me just to think about doing it myself.

But, he points out, and I think this is a point well taken, in the United States, we all have the right to protest a challenge to a book, or a book banning, to give copies of a banned book away openly (as the Kurt Vonnegut Library did in a recent controversy over Slaughterhouse-Five), or to acquire a banned book without persecution. There are parts of the world where that isn’t possible, and times in history when it has been vigorously enforced. Even though we aren’t living in one of those places, or through one of those times, and even though banning books is a serious issue here, he notes in a 1992 essay:

There are places in the world where the powers that be ban the author as well as the author’s works when the subject matter or mode of expression displeases said powers. Look at Salman Rushdie, now living under a death sentence, or Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who spent eight years in a prison camp for calling Josef Stalin “the boss” and had to run for the west to avoid another stay after he won the Nobel Prize for “The Gulag Archipelago.”

I discovered that Banned Books Week inspires defenders of human rights, who fight for freedom of speech and freedom of expression for writers and journalists who are witnesses to oppression and who live in or write about these places. In America, our right to stand up for the freedom to read resonates throughout the world. In the world of school librarianship, connectedness, collaboration, and social justice are essential concepts to share. Something for all of us to think about is the way Banned Books Week affects not just individual challenges here, but human rights around the world, and the courage to fight for freedom of expression in the face of danger. If you visit our Pinterest board on Banned Books, I shared links there to some organizations that contribute to continuing that fight, and I hope that you’ll check them out. And many thanks to Mr. King to providing quite a bit of food for thought.


A Giant is Gone: Ray Bradbury Dies


Today I learned that Ray Bradbury had died.

From the day I snagged a library copy of Fahrenheit 451 (due to a school board election in which one candidate ran on the platform of removing it from the curriculum), Ray Bradbury had me hooked. It’s funny how his short stories sneaked in to the most unusual of places. I found  “The Flying Machine” and “A Sound of Thunder” in my middle school English textbook, and my junior year, after reading “The Fall of the House of Usher”, my American Lit teacher stuck a photocopy of “Usher 2000” in my hands. There were anthologies edited by Martin Greenberg that had his stories within, and somewhere in my days as the librarian for the science fiction society I belonged to in college, I acquired a used hardcover copy of  three of his anthologies bound together- The Illustrated Man, The Martian Chronicles, and Dandelion Wine.  I just read a short essay on Bradbury criticizing him for not having written anything of note since the 1960s, but I completely disagree- although these are probably still my favorite stories, I love his writing for making me think.

I heard Bradbury speak once, on a double bill with Douglas Adams. I have to say that Douglas Adams, as much as I love his writing, was not a great speaker. Bradbury, however… Even in a wheelchair, mere days after a stroke, he was compelling and fascinating. Age, and even illness, did not stop his agile mind.  Just this year, I discovered the “official” graphic novel of Fahrenheit 451, with an introduction by Bradbury, where he wrote about how, as time passed, he had been able to reflect and recognize the origins of the book. Which has, ironically, been the target of censors many times, including his own publishers. If not for libraries, this book could never have been written- it’s a true dime novel, written on a typewriter in the basement of a library, at the cost of ten cents per half hour. You can find it at your library and check it out today, knowing that libraries have not only defended the book, but also allowed for its creation in the first place.

Bradbury resisted having his books come out as ebooks, but they did recently come out in that forrm. If you’ve never read his work now is an excellent time to start, and you have all kinds of choices.  A giant of literature, with the talent to create compelling, disturbing, and sometimes terrifying visions of the future present, he will be missed.