As you think about giving this year, please consider helping to fund Monster Librarian. While our hosting fees are paid up right now, our domain name registrations come due in January. This isn’t a lot of money, but it would help a lot if it didn’t have to come out of my own pocket.
Monster Librarian is an Amazon associate (every image of a book on a review is clickable and takes you to Amazon) but has made no money from Amazon sales in three years. Our relatively small reserves and a few generous donors have made it possible to pay hosting and domain fees, and postage, to this date. If I can get nine people to give $5 each, that will cover the fees of domain name registration with a little left over for postage. I’d be very grateful to you. Monster Librarian is an LLC, so your gift is just that, a gift. It can’t be taken off your taxes. But it is a gift that you would be providing not just to me personally, but to the many people who tell me that they value our site. Getting people to read independently and for pleasure is one of the joys of my life and I hope that we are also providing that joy to not only avid readers but for those who haven’t found a book they love before.
Thank you.
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