I wish I’d seen this days ago! I just love ebook bundles, and I apparently missed that Dark Regions Press has released a Cthulu Mythos ebook bundle with some GREAT books, including Lovecraft scholar S.T. Joshi’s two-volume set on Lovecraft, a complete collection of Lovecraft’s fiction and poetry (yikes), and recently released collection Dreams from the Witch House (and I promise I will get our review of that up ASAP), for only $15. Go look for yourself. You do have to do a direct download from Dark Regions Press, but if you want to carry substanial amounts of Lovecraft’s work and Lovecraftian fiction easily, their DRM-free ebooks make that possible. I don’t know how long Dark Regions plans to make this available, so if you are interested, jump on it.
Also, StoryBundle currently has an ebook bundle of weird fiction. If you aren’t familiar with StoryBundle, they choose books on a theme, bundle them together, and make the bundle available for a short time. You pay what you want for the collection and decide how much should go to the author, the company, or a charity. If you pay at least $14, you get bonus books. Through StoryBundle and HumbleBundle, I have discovered authors I had never tried before. It’s a really cool way to try out new things and also get favorites you’ve been wanting to get around to.
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