Libraries should definitely know about the love they’re getting from Dark Regions Press.
The sale discounts everything in stock, with some items discounted as much as 90%. For every book purchased, Dark Regions will donate one to a school, library, or military base. Their goal is to donate 1,000 books or more, and when you buy a book you can designate where you would like the matching donation to go. If you order a 20 volume book set, they’ll donate 20 books, and you can get up to 60% off retail price.k Regions Press, an independent small press specializing in horror and dark fiction, in the form of their “Sale for Good”.
There are some really great authors published by Dark Regions, including many Stoker winners and titles by Rick Hautala and David B. Silva, admired writers and contributors in the horror genre who both passed away in March.
At this time Dark Regions has sold 851 of the 1000 books they have offered to donate. Go help your library out and check out what Dark Regions has to offer. They’re worth seeking out.
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