Mercedes M. Yardley’s most recent book, Nameless: The Darkness Comes, is out this month. In addition to this and the titles she mentions below, her fiction can be found is such anthologies as Demons: Encounters with the Devil and His Minions, Fallen Angels, and the Possessed (2011 Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers), Tales of Jack the Ripper (2013 Word Horde), Undead and Unbound: Unexpected Tales From Beyond the Grave (2013 Chaosium), and a number of collections from Shock Totem.
1. Can you give our readers a brief introduction?
My name is Mercedes M. Yardley and I write dark fantasy and whimsical horror. I write about monsters who love, sympathetic serial killers, and the ominously beautiful. I have a book of short stories out titled Beautiful Sorrows, a novella titled Apocalyptic Montessa and Nuclear Lulu: A Tale of Atomic Love, and my debut novel just came out in January of 2014. It’s titled Nameless: The Darkness Comes and it’s Book One in THE BONE ANGEL trilogy. I wear red lipstick, stilettos, and poisonous flowers in my hair.
2. Why do you write horror? What draws you to the genre?
Horror is pure. There’s something so very honest about writing darkness. It’s thrilling. I find that sweet things are a joy, but they get tedious after a while. I like my sweet little stories to have bones and teeth underneath.
3. Can you describe your writing style or the tone you prefer to set for your stories?
My style tends to be elegant and very feminine. I love language, love the way words soun
4. Who are some of your influences? Are there any women authors who have particularly inspired you to write?
One of my major influences growing up was Erma Bombeck. She was brassy and hysterical and kind. She took mundane things and found beauty in them. I also love the dreamy style of Aimee Bender. Her work is amazing.
5. What authors do you like to read? Any recommendations?
I find that I read more newer authors than fully established ones, and that’s really fun. My favorites that I usually recommend are Lee Thompson and Christopher Barzak. I also enjoy Kristen Lamb’s books on social media. They’re so helpful!
6. Where can readers find your work?
I’m all over the place! My blog is I have a list linking to finding my work. I’m also on Amazon and Goodreads. Stop by and say hi!
Want to find out more? Visit Mercedes Yardley’s recent article for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer here.
Lee Thompson
March 7, 2014 at 3:22 pm
You rock, M! I need to buy you a new pair of stilettos, and maybe a beautiful orchid. Thank you for the mention, but most of all for always making me smile.
Women In Horror Month Feature: Mercedes M. Yardley | A.E. Siraki Dark Fantasy Writer
February 5, 2015 at 10:46 am